Wide SR (Social Research) seeks insights into human behaviour using qualitative social scientific methods as the basis of communications, business and design strategy. Its work often focuses on the technology that has become ubiquitous in our everyday lives, from the digital arenas in which social relations are played out, to the devices we use to navigate the world.
It has recently consulted on subjects such as digital convenience for a food brand, sharing for a news organisation, selfies and self image for an FMCG and shopping and technology for a payments provider. One of the most interesting projects we have contributed to has been on death and its digital ramifications.
Wide SR is also developing a specialism around integrating big data on human behaviour with immersive-in person research into the same phenomena. This complementary approach illuminates why the phenomena are happening, uncovers relevant behaviour that is not captured by the likes of sensors or social media analytics and sparks new lines of enquiry (see the Triangul8 link above).